Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ageless Fantasy by Harvey Prince

Mr. Wilde, author of such works as The Portrait of Dorian Gray and The Yong King, a short story who's illustrations played a large part in my own potty training.

The Cut directs us to WWD with tales of the "world's first anti-age perfume." Apparently Ageless Fantasy, the "ultimate youth perfume" is extra science-tastic because it is "inspired by clinical trials".

From the site:
"Research proves that men around women who used the perfume thought they were on an average 8 years younger! The Essence of Youth, this precious youth elixir is a blend of pink grapefruit, mango, anti-oxidant rich pomegranate, jasmine and musk."

They left out the links to these clinical trials. A quick search of PubMed turns up some articles linking the scent of grapefruit essential oil with sympathetic nervous system activity.

In a double-blind study, the scents of mango, pomegranate and musk were frequently mis-attributed to "bongs, thongs and sarongs."


ScentScelf said...

(still laughing at "bongs, thongs, sarongs"....)


pam said...

Just got mine a few days ago and from someone who has smelt it, I must say I'm in love. The fragrance is energizing and fresh. Although it's bit on the pricey side but def worth the $120 for all the compliments i've gotten on it!

Anonymous said...

$120 may seem higher price for a bottle of perfume, but it's absolutly nothing if we compare it with the anti-age treatments. After all it's the price of youth!

I love it! It seems my search has come to an end at last.

MissMaria said...

Ageless Fantasy Perfume!
O' I love it! Love it! Love it!

Martha_08 said...

I think this would be the best Christmas gift I can give to my dearest pals.